
Laila discovered her passion for hospitality and decided to take a leap of faith and shift careers in 2016. Laila believes that food is the best way to get to know a culture and was surprised to find out no one was formally introducing visitors to the foods of her city, especially since Egypt is so food-centric. Laila has joined culinary experiences in Athens, New Delhi, Florence, San Francisco, and Bangkok and continues to experience the foods of the world in her home country. Laila enjoys running her business while being based between Cairo and El Gouna, giving her access to Egypt’s Southern cities and a year-round Red Sea tan. Laila's favorite food is feteer, especially when stuffed with lots and lots of cheese.

Laila Hassaballa

Mia believes that food and the traditions that intertwine with it are one of the most essential ways of learning about any culture and the best bridge to bring people closer together. When she’s not busy running the food tour business, Mia likes to listen to a wide variety of true crime and investigatory podcasts and Florence + The Machine albums on repeat. She hopes to one day show case her paintings at a gallery exhibition. Mia doesn’t have a single favorite food and loves a variety of dishes from different cuisines, her favorites being Korean, Mexican, Indian and boxed mac & cheese.

Mia nezar

Bellies tour guides

  • Amr Hesham

    Amr loves exploring new opportunities and fresh initiatives just as much as he loves trying new food. A jack-of-all-trades, Amr has experience providing trainings, consulting, and even volunteering with school children in India! He loves traveling to explore new cuisines and cultures. His favorite dish remains to be a mystery until this day, but as soon as we know it we will surely let you know.

  • Aya Fathi

    Meet Aya, a student balancing med school by day, and uncovering Cairo's food scene by night. When she's not buried under her textbooks, you'll find her on a quest for that perfect cup of coffee. Her love for cuisines spans the globe, but there's a special place in her heart for her very own.

  • Fady Mishriky

    Fady, a doctor by day, guide by night! Ever since he can remember he's been fascinated with everything related to food... From the picking of the freshest of ingredients to the processing to the cooking and down to his favorite part, eating of course. Especially if it's kunafa!

  • Inas Ali

    Inas is an animal rescuer and a local resident of Downtown Cairo. She is infatuated with its architecture, history and all the hidden gems it carries. She loves to travel and to explore the cuisine of the country straight away to get a glimpse into their everyday life. Her favorite food of all time is Koshari. She enjoys wandering in downtown streets aimlessly, and feeding the stray animals that she encounters.

  • Karima Saad

    Karima can’t live without spaghetti bolognese and her plants. When she is not busy with those two, she works as an innovation consultant. Karima loves traveling, volunteering, and meeting new people around large tables of food. She truly believes in chef José Andrés quote “We should build longer tables, not higher walls.

  • Marco Nabil

    Marco Nabil is an Egyptian artist and engineer with a passion for exploring the culinary landscape around the world. He shuffles between writing music for cinema and building buses for Volvo, then winds down at Bellies En Route. Marco’s favorite food is Sushi, but in an apocalypse, the most practical choice to stash would be grilled chicken.

  • Mariam El-Nahas

    Mariam is an artist, a graphic designer and a huge foodie at heart. She’s “in the flow” when cooking in the kitchen and claims she can live in a supermarket forever. Her love and loyalty for Egyptian food grow year after year, but that doesn’t mean her eyes don’t light up when she discovers a new dumplings place or when she sinks in a hot bowl of pho.

  • Mariam Moawia

    Mariam Moawia is a filmmaker, artist and writer. In 2019, she created a documentary about Egyptian cuisine and culture, and since then has been passionate about connecting with her Egyptian heritage. She enjoys cooking Egyptian dishes and learning about their origin stories. Her favorite Egyptian food is Molokheya.

  • Mina Mikhail

    Mina is a transformational coach and trainer with a passion for helping people gain awareness, transcend their limitations and discover their true potentials. He’s always eager to learn new things and share his insights with others. He believes that happy meals are good for your health just as they are for your mind & soul. If Mina had to choose a favorite dish, it would always be one that’s made with love!

  • Noran Moamen

    Noran is a producer/filmmaker and a mom of two cats. Her love for food started at 15 when she ditched studying for a next day exam and spent 7 hours making pizza from scratch. Around the same time, she was discovering her passion for storytelling through binge reading fiction novels under her desk in maths classes. Since then, she's been following a curious urge to explore people, culture and stories through food and art. Her heartbreak food is okra tajin.

  • Nur Mahmoud

    Nur is a keen linguist who believes that food and language are a firm door to knowing any culture thoroughly. She thinks of language in terms of puzzle and food in terms of color and richness. A boss lady, Nur started her own business in the localisation and interpreting industry 3 years ago. She likes to travel and learn new languages, one of which is food, which, to quote her, “is a language on its own.” Nur’s favorite dish is gambas al ajillo, which she learned how to cook on one of her many trips to Spain!

  • Passainte Assem

    In another world she'd have been a corporate lawyer, but her travel passion is what shaped her. An adventurous soul, thriving to enjoy life to the fullest, but at her own pace. She left so many 9 to 5s to start her passion-project that tailor-makes personalized experiences. She enjoys going off-the-beaten-track, and is always in the lookout for her next big adventure; be it camping in the middle of nowhere, climbing a mountain, becoming a spinning instructor, you name it! When it comes to food she is never afraid to try anything.

  • Safia Shafik

    Safia is an Egyptian translator and food tour guide who lives in Cairo. She loves traveling, meeting new people and trying new food. She also likes languages and culture and thinks they are so fun to learn.

  • Sara Selim

    Sara is a trainer and supervisor in Safe Egypt, an Egyptian organization that provides awareness workshops. Always up to try new food, hobbies, and sports. She will never say no to a plate of kofta, and will always find room for a cup of fresh juice.


  • Ahmad AlTRABOLSI


    Ahmad is a Lebanese cinematographer and barbecue chef based in Cairo. As a toddler, he was weaned on grilled chicken. From that day onwards he realized his passion for food goes beyond the notion that food is fuel for survival, for him, it's the very reason he lives every day.

  • Samah Ibrahim


    Samah is a cultural heritage professional. It’s her life mission to understand, safeguard, and celebrate heritage. She is a food enthusiast who believes that food is a reflection of a nation’s identity. Her favorite Egyptian dish is Koshari, and with its diverse ingredients, it holds a special place in her heart.



    Geumana is a set designer who fell in love with the interconnected world of a person's heritage and culture with food through her food styling and photography, and the rabbit hole introduced her to the world of food anthropology. Roz Ma'amar, she believes, can fix anything.



    Sarah is a teacher who also enjoys acting occasionally. She is curious to learn about everything. She can eat pasta with seafood any day of the week and enjoys sharing meals with close friends and family.

  • Sarah Tawakol


    Sarah is passionate not only about numbers, but also about visiting new places and trying new cuisines, ranging from street food to fine dining. Her dessert of choice is always going to be ice cream.

  • Mostafa Sadek


    Mostafa Sadek thrives on the vibrant chaos of Cairo's streets, finding beauty in the city's unique blend of sights, sounds, stories and flavors. Mostafa is constantly seeking new skills to add to his repertoire, from videography and directing to juggling and mastering the perfect Sharkaseya, a childhood dish that ignited his love for cooking during his time abroad.